Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

Hamishi Farah
Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes

05.06.21, 13:00

Solo exhibition
05.06.21 – 31.07.21

Hamishi Farah, Spider under Glass, 2021, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Spider under Glass, 2021, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Dog Heaven, 2015, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Dog Heaven, 2015, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Ostentation Vulnerum, 2021, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Ostentation Vulnerum, 2021, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Ostentation Vulnerum, 2021, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Ostentation Vulnerum, 2021, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Hamishi Farah, Exhibition view, Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle

Dog Heaven 2 : How Sweet the Wound of Jesus Tastes is Hamishi Farahʼs first institutional exhibition and a sequel to the artistʼs first solo show in Europe in 2015 in Brussels. The exhibition gathers newly commissioned paintings and other recent works. Hamishi Farah is a self-taught artist whose work in conceptual and figurative painting plays inside the production of a politics and philosophy of representation, with a particular focus on the libidinal afterlife of coloniality and itʼs permeation through contemporary art.

Hamishi Farah

Press release (PDF)


Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg
Petites-Rames 22
Case postale 582
1701 Fribourg
View map


Published on: 25.05.21