von Bartha

Francisco Sierra
Lunar Conveniences

Solo exhibition
04.09.21 – 30.10.21


Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei
Courtesy von Bartha & the artist. Photo: Conradin Frei

Francisco Sierra (b.1977, Santiago de Chile) is known for considering the possibilities of representation and perception in his work. Lunar Conveniences, his first solo exhibition at von Bartha, will feature new paintings as well as a new sculptural installation. A self-taught visual artist, Sierra is interested in the transformation of apparent clarity into something new and enigmatic. Often working within the realms of both photorealism and surrealism, Sierra focuses on the pitfalls of contemporary photographic reproduction and the transformative potential of painting. In this field of tension between supposedly realistic reproduction and invention, Sierra’s work in Lunar Conveniences creates spaces for a narration that takes illusionistic painting method to another level.

Francisco Sierra

Press release (PDF)


von Bartha, Basel
Kannenfeldplatz 6
4056 Basel
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Published on: 20.03.21