Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst

Tarek Lakhrissi

10.02.24 – 20.05.24

Tarek Lakhrissi, Pending (to Karim), 2024, blown glas, cable wire. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Tarek Lakhrissi, Pending (to Karim), 2024, blown glas, cable wire. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Exhibition view Tarek Lakhrissi – Bliss, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst ( 10.2.2024-20.5.2024 ). Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Exhibition view Tarek Lakhrissi – Bliss, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst ( 10.2.2024-20.5.2024 ). Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Exhibition view Tarek Lakhrissi – Bliss, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst ( 10.2.2024-20.5.2024 ). Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Exhibition view Tarek Lakhrissi – Bliss, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst ( 10.2.2024-20.5.2024 ). Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Exhibition view Tarek Lakhrissi – Bliss, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst ( 10.2.2024-20.5.2024 ). Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Exhibition view Tarek Lakhrissi – Bliss, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst ( 10.2.2024-20.5.2024 ). Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Tarek Lakhrissi, SHAPING LOSS / GLAMOROUS BB, 2024, print 3D based on polysty- rene, epoxy resin, metallic paint. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Commissioned by Centre d'art Le Confort Moderne. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitte- ris, Zürich
Tarek Lakhrissi, SHAPING LOSS / GLAMOROUS BB, 2024, print 3D based on polysty- rene, epoxy resin, metallic paint. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Commissioned by Centre d'art Le Confort Moderne. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitte- ris, Zürich
Install view Tarek Lakhrissi, Coeur Brillant (or Bright Heart), 2022, HD video, colour, sound. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich
Install view Tarek Lakhrissi, Coeur Brillant (or Bright Heart), 2022, HD video, colour, sound. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris. Photo: Studio Stucky © ProLitteris, Zürich

Tarek Lakhrissi

Dr. Michael Birchall, Louisa Behr

Press release (PDF)


Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst
Limmatstrasse 270
8005 Zürich
View map


Published on: 31.03.24