Kunsthaus Baselland

Marlene McCarty
Into the Weeds

24.01.20 – 05.07.20

Marlene McCarty, “14”(2) / “14”(4), 2014. Courtesy the artist und Sikkema Jenkins & Co. Gallery. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Patricia Grabowicz
Marlene McCarty, “14”(2) / “14”(4), 2014. Courtesy the artist und Sikkema Jenkins & Co. Gallery. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Patricia Grabowicz
Marlene McCarty, GROUP 10.3 (Sorry.Baby.), 2008 / GROUP 1.3 (Lititz, Pennsylvania. Sunday, November 13, 2005. 11:25 am), 2007. Courtesy the artist. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Patricia Grabowicz
Marlene McCarty, GROUP 10.3 (Sorry.Baby.), 2008 / GROUP 1.3 (Lititz, Pennsylvania. Sunday, November 13, 2005. 11:25 am), 2007. Courtesy the artist. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Patricia Grabowicz
Marlene McCarty, GROUP 10.3 (Sorry.Baby.), 2008. Courtesy the artist. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Patricia Grabowicz
Marlene McCarty, GROUP 10.3 (Sorry.Baby.), 2008. Courtesy the artist. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Patricia Grabowicz
Marlene McCarty, Into the Weeds, 2019. Courtesy the artist. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Gina Folly
Marlene McCarty, Into the Weeds, 2019. Courtesy the artist. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Gina Folly
Marlene McCarty, Hearth 2 (China Camp 2009, China Camp 1975), 2010. Courtesy the artist und Sikkema Jenkins & Co. Gallery. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Gina Folly
Marlene McCarty, Hearth 2 (China Camp 2009, China Camp 1975), 2010. Courtesy the artist und Sikkema Jenkins & Co. Gallery. Installation view Kunsthaus Baselland 2020. Photo: Gina Folly

Marlene McCarty


Kunsthaus Baselland
St. Jakob-Strasse 170
4132 Muttenz
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Published on: 10.07.20