Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

The Films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)

12.03.21 – 06.06.21

15.05.21, 15:00

Film screening
15.05.21, 19:00

Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle
Exhibition view, “The films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)”, Fri Art, 2021. Photo Guillaume Python. Courtesy of Fri Art Kunsthalle

French writer, editor, magistrate, artist and public figure, Guillaume Dustan (1965-2005, Paris) also made seventeen films between 2000 and 2004 using a DV camera. These films make up a part of his oeuvre that is little-known to date. The exhibition on the films in Fri Art Kunsthalle will shed new light on a key figure in French literature and queer culture at the turn of the millennium.

Guillaume Dustan

Treize Paris (Julien Laugier, Pascaline Morincôme and Olga Rozenblum)

Press release (PDF)


Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg
Petites-Rames 22
Case postale 582
1701 Fribourg
View map


Published on: 24.02.21