Kunst Raum Riehen

David Chieppo - Cassidy Toner
What you see first

30.01.21 – 25.04.21

David Chieppo, Against the World in 80 Days, 2010 Oil on wood, 57,5 x 68 cm. Coll. Kunsthaus Zürich, photo: Heinz Unger
David Chieppo, Against the World in 80 Days, 2010 Oil on wood, 57,5 x 68 cm. Coll. Kunsthaus Zürich, photo: Heinz Unger
Cassidy Toner Wile E, Coyote Realizes He Is not as Steadfast as Saint Anthony in the Face of His Demons, 2019. Spray-paint on clay, 52 x 23 x 10 cm
Cassidy Toner Wile E, Coyote Realizes He Is not as Steadfast as Saint Anthony in the Face of His Demons, 2019. Spray-paint on clay, 52 x 23 x 10 cm

David Chieppo, Cassidy Toner

Katharina Dunst, Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth


Kunst Raum Riehen
Im Berowergut
Baselstrasse 71
4125 Riehen
View map


Published on: 02.02.21