Kunst Museum Winterthur

Sung Tieu
One Thousand Times

16.09.23 – 19.11.23

Sung Tieu, In Cold Print, 2020 und To Live Your Faith At Work, 2022, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann
Sung Tieu, In Cold Print, 2020 und To Live Your Faith At Work, 2022, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann
Sung Tieu, In Cold Print, 2020 und To Live Your Faith At Work, 2022, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann
Sung Tieu, In Cold Print, 2020 und To Live Your Faith At Work, 2022, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann
Sung Tieu, Untitled, 2023, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann
Sung Tieu, Untitled, 2023, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann
Sung Tieu, Song for VEB Stern-Radio Berlin, 2021, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann
Sung Tieu, Song for VEB Stern-Radio Berlin, 2021, Installationsansicht One Thousand Times, Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2023. Foto: Reto Kaufmann

Sung Tieu

Lynn Kost

Press release (PDF)


Kunst Museum Winterthur
Beim Stadthaus
Museumstrasse 52
8400 Winterthur
View map


Published on: 15.09.23