Aargauer Kunsthaus

Art as Connection

16.10.21 – 09.01.22

Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich
Installationsansicht Art as Connection 23.10.2021 – 9.1.2022, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau. Foto: Dominic Büttner, Zürich

In reaction to the upheavals resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, Art as Connection takes the form of an experimental and open exhibition based on a collective development process.

To open up different perspectives on these unusual times, the curatorial team of the Aargauer Kunsthaus is forming a collective with five artists to develop the exhibition jointly. Together they will reflect the rupture and shock of the crisis and its effects, discuss the significance of art and the structures of the art business, and try out an alternative form of curation. The open form of this project takes account of the uncertainty of our times. A multitude of themes – including isolation, mistrust, authority, globalisation, health, solidarity and community – suggest themselves for further examination in both the art works, most of them newly made and in discussions and events.

Sabian Baumann, Karin Michalski (An Unhappy Archive Part II with contributions by Paloma Ayala, Sabian Baumann, Dafne Boggeri, Criptonite, Thirza Cuthand, Mîrkan Deniz, Feeltank Chicago, Ayoung Kim, Karin Michalski, Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Teatro da Vertigem), Mîrkan Deniz, Dreams Come True, Hichmoul Pilon Production and the collective anthropie, Clare Goodwin, Hemauer/Keller, Thomas Hirschhorn, Laura Arminda Kingsley, RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), Romy Rüegger (Wunschbibliothek/Wishful Library with contributions by Amal Alhaag, Mohamed Abdelkarim, Noor Abuarafeh, Jasmina Al-Qaisi, Cana Bilir-Meier, Lamin Fofana, Maria Guggenbichler, İpek Hamzaoğlu, Samia Henni, Suza Husse, Maria Iorio, Chantal Küng, Gregory Stauffer, Max Treier, Rolf Winnewisser

Press release (PDF)


Aargauer Kunsthaus
5001 Aarau
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Published on: 18.12.20